
Youth Discipline- Is Your Family Out Of Control?

Youth discipline, when not working, can tear your family apart. Read along to see how the forms of child discipline that you most likely have been using, can not work!

Youth discipline can be a very tricky thing. Your children are rapidly growing up, and maybe some of the ways that you used to use to keep them in line, are not working anymore. Perhaps none of the methods you've used through the years worked very well, and now your children are older and craftier now, so you need to really clamp down before things get out of hand. Well, I'd like to share some mind blowing facts about parenting that may change your course of future action.

Parenting and child disciplining have probably been a long time tug of war between you and your children. There's a very good reason why all your yelling and screaming aren't effective. Perhaps you've tried rewards and punishments to keep them in line. If you have, have you found that works for a little while, and then doesn't anymore?

Things don't happen just by accident, and when millions of people are having the same issues, you definitely know there are no coincidences going on. Well, I've kept you in suspense long enough.

If you have used any of the aforementioned youth discipline methods, there's a simple explanation why they haven't been working. They all raise the fear, anxiety, and stress levels in your children. So what, you might say! I want them to be afraid of me because they need to learn they've done something wrong, and now, maybe they will learn! On paper this seems like it might work, but there's scientific/biological reasons why it doesn't. Not to mention that it's really not emotionally healthy for your children to constantly be associating fear with such a large array of behaviors.

Let's get back to the science of this. Fear causes stress which in turn causes your adrenal glands to make up extra doses of cortisol. This then goes into the brain, and causes your children to become dis-oriented. The results from this are every bad behavior you can imagine: hyperactivity, defiance, argumentativeness, violence and tantrums, etc.

Do you now see the magnitude of this? Do you see the irony also? Parents yell at their children to get them to act right, and the result is that the children can't help themselves, and have to act as their brain is telling them to.

This is only the first part of this. The second is worse, so you may want to grab a chair. Over time, the effects of increased excretion of the cortisol get worse. Possible long term effects are teenage delinquency and sociopathic behavior and tendencies.

The first part made me feel bad and I had to learn that everything I had done as a parent prior to knowing all of this, was wrong, but it wasn't my fault because I had been mis-informed. The second part, however, made me search for some help.

Go to youth discipline to get an amazing array of help and resources. You will get every kind of report you can imagine, plus tips about foods that will help, and a free lifetime membership to the Parent Learning Club. This is an exclusive online parenting, learning, and support club that gives you access to exclusive interviews, articles, audio, videos, questions and answers, support, webinar invites and many, many, more special free gifts. If you follow the link and register, you will get access to some free reports even if you decide not to join. If you do decide to join, and you are not satisfied, there is an unconditional, 60 day, money back guarantee.

Don't delay doing the right thing for you and your family. If you're not sure yet, click on my name, and you will be taken to my profile where you can spend more time doing research, through the various links.

If you're interested, you can also try these links:

Parent Effectiveness Training!

Positive Child Discipline!

Positive Parenting Tips For U!

If this isn't for you, I hope that you don't stop searching until you've found what is right for you. You will know when you find it! Good luck, and God Bless!

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