
Parent Effectiveness Training: Learn How Love Can Conquer All!

Are you a struggling parent in need of some Parent Effectiveness Training? Read along so you can be clear on why most currently used parenting techniques, do not, and can not work.
Parent effectiveness training is a very hot topic these days.  Learn why the forms of child discipline that you've been using haven't been working.  And after the reasons become clear, see where you can go to learn the positive parenting tips that you'll need to set things right in your family!
Before we get to the one, very important point that needs to be made here, I just want to congratulate you for coming forward and trying to get some information to hopefully improve your situation.  Admitting that you need help is not an easy thing, but, parenting is not an easy job.  There's no other job quite like it.  And if you're a single parent, it can be even more difficult.  So kudos to you!
One more point along this same line of thought.  If you have made mistakes as a parent, and if you have not been the perfect parent, do not beat yourself up!  If you fall into this category (I'm reasonably sure we all do), this makes you just this.  A human being!  I only speak of this because, one of the biggest obstacles for parents to overcome is, they blame themselves for things that have gone awry.  The past is the past.  Let's look toward the future.
In order to look forward, though, we must recognize that things haven't been going according to plan.  However, and this will give you more reason to stop blaming yourself, most of what has happened in your family, can't be your fault!  This is because you have been mis-informed, just like everyone else, about the forms of child discipline that you, and most people use.
What I mean is you have not been given the proper parent effectiveness training.  You have not been told that the most common methods of parenting only make things worse.  In fact, they do more than that.  It's more than likely that, they created the problem in the first place.
Here's the plain truth.  The forms of child discipline that we most commonly use, create fear and stress in our children.  This is not good because it causes something called cortisol to be emitted into the brain.  For the complete story on the effects of cortisol, go to my blog at, positive parenting tips for u! What happens is the cortisol causes children to become dis-oriented.  They then exhibit all the behaviors that we've seen as mis-behaviors for all these years.  Ironically, we've been contributing to, and in many cases, causing, the very behaviors that we get angry at them for.
Just one more, very important, note about cortisol.  The long term effects can be devastating.  It can lead to teenage delinquency and sociopathic behaviors and tendencies.
Visit parent effectiveness training to get everything you will need to learn the positive parenting tips that you will need to move away from the current mess that is going on in your household.  Don't settle for the limitations of the present.  Now that you've started to do something, don't stop until you've really done everything you can for you and your children.  You are all too precious to be stuck in the ugliness of despair!

Here's a few more helpful links:

Positive Child Discipline!
Parent Effectiveness Training!
Defiant Children!
Positive Parenting Tips For U!

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