
This Is Why The Forms Of Child Discipline You Use, Do Not Work!

Are the forms of child discipline you use working? Read along to find out why they're not working, and then see the parent effectiveness training that you can do to get all of this under control!
Forms of child discipline, is this a topic you wished would just disappear off the face of the earth!  Do you feel as though you're always one step behind your children!  Even if you've only been a parent for a very short time, you will want to read this article.  Read about how the child disciplining techniques we very commonly use should be scrapped completely! Read how we, ironically, make the situation worse by using almost any of the traditional forms of child discipline!

You're probably wondering what the heck I'm talking about.  I could write a very long article to try to impress you with how smart I am, and bog you down with a lot of details.  I'm not going to do that.  If you want more information, just follow the links at the end.  They'll give you all the extra information that you'll want.  I'm mentioning this now because my research has told me that you won't believe what you're about to read!

What it all boils down to is this.  Almost everything we do as a parent to keep our children in line, does one very bad thing.  They all effectively raise the fear and stress levels in our children.  You may say so what, or you may say that can't be true.  I'm prepared to answer these questions because everyone asks the same thing.

I'll answer the second part first.  There are obvious forms of child discipline that we use, that increase the fear and stress.  Things like yelling, screaming, and intimidating obviously fall into this category.  How about some major parental techniques that almost everyone uses?

I am referring to punishments and rewards.  Punishments does this for the obvious reasons. Rewards does it because the child ends up fearing screwing up and subsequently, losing out on the prize.

You are probably saying, big deal!  Well, I could go on at length why fear is not a good thing to use as a parenting tool.  However, none of the reasons that I could talk about, that you could probably think of on your own, matter much, compared to the real dilemma.

This is going to be a little bit scientific, but not too difficult to follow.  Fear and stress cause the adrenal glands to produce extra cortisol.  This cortisol then gets sent to the brain, and our children become disoriented.  Do you know what they do when they become disoriented? They do any one of the thousand things that you've seen them do when they act out.

Every child is different, and has their favorite ways of acting out.  The point is, we have caused them to do it.  They have to act that way.  They have no choice.  There are chemical things going on inside them that they have no control over.  Then, we yell at them more for acting out.  And guess what happens?  This vicious cycle just goes round and round.

Now, before you start feeling bad, don't.  You didn't know, so you're forgiven.  All you can do is learn from this, learn how to change the forms of child discipline you use, and move on.  You must do this, soon!  You must not wallow in this, because I haven't told you the worse part yet.

There are some long term effects of the constant, extra emissions of cortisol.  These are teenage delinquency and sociopathic behaviors.  So, it's time to do more research now by clicking on forms of child discipline! Or try out these positive parenting tips to change your life!

Or, just go here to sign up for some instant help.  You will get every kind of report you can imagine, plus tips about foods that will help, and FREE Lifetime Membership to the Parent Learning Club.  This is an exclusive online parenting, learning, and support club that gives you access to exclusive interviews, articles, audio, videos, questions and answers, support, webinar invites and many many more special free gifts.  If you follow the link and register, you will get access to some free reports even if you decide not to join.  If you do decide to join, and you are not satisfied, there is an unconditional, 60 day, money back guarantee. All this for a one time fee of forty dollars!  Aren't your kids worth this!   Don't put off, for one more second, ending this vicious cycle!

Here's a few more helpful links:

Parent Effectiveness Training!
Positive Child Discipline!
Positive Parenting Tips For U!

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